Saturday, February 15, 2020

Business Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Plan - Case Study Example The owner of the park with (state no of years) years of experience in buying and selling mobile homes has absolute knowledge of the local market conditions. The park in the best of its condition will serve the housing needs for many citizens. Market analysis: The Park situated half a mile from the lake is a prime occupancy place. The lead time for occupancy is a maximum of two months. The place is mostly rented by couples 80% of whom are young and 20% retired. Tenkiller has 70.8 % of the population over 15 years that are under the now married category according to Onboard Informatics 2008. In addition the park is situated in geography with extremely high floating population. The North Eastern state university has 6500 students in its campus and about 400,000 annually visit the Illinois River and 2,000,000 annually visit Lake Tenkiller.The current rent rates for mobile homes range from $325 to $475 this includes single and double wides. Placement: The Park is situated within half a mile from the lake making proximity to the lake and water sports viable and this will be a unique selling point for the park. In addition to this Lake Tenkiller being a major tourist attraction and place for camping will keep the homes at a 90% occupancy. The promotional act Product: The Park after renovation and new homes with a children's play area and storage units will definitely prove money's worth for tenants and prospects. Promotion: The promotional activity for the mobile park will take place in all the leading camping sites and water sport areas where tourist flood in addition to electronic and mailing channels. The park will also be advertised in the North eastern State University and in the neighbouring towns. Below is a business plan for a Mobile Home Park in the state of Oklahoma. The proposal states the viability of the business in alliance with the financials which includes the start up accounts and the projected Profit and loss statements for the first 3 years. Start up expenses Legal $300 Stationery Brochures Consultants Insurance $200 Rent Research and Development Expensed Equipment Other Total Start up expenses $500 Start up assets Cash Required $6,000 Other current assets $0 long term assets $91,000 Total assets $97,000 Total requirements $97,500 Start up Funding Start up expenses to fund $500 Start up assets to fund $97,000 Total Funding required $97,500 Assets Non cash assets from start up $91,000 Cash requirements from start up $6,000 Additional cash raised 0 Cash balance on starting date $6,000 Total assets $97,000 Liabilities and capital Liablities Current borrowing 0 Long term liabilities $87,000 Accounts payable 0 Other current liabilities 0 Total liabilities $87,000 Capital Planned investment $10,000 Other 0 Additional Investment required $87,000 Total planned investment $97,000 loss at start up $6,500 Total capital $90,500 Total capital and liabilities $97,000 Total funding $97,500 Proforma Profit and Loss Pro Forma Profit and Loss FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Sales $28,080 $32,160 $36,240 Direct Cost

Sunday, February 2, 2020

What caused Weimar German to suffer such extreme economic dislocations Essay

What caused Weimar German to suffer such extreme economic dislocations - Essay Example In an examination of the timeline and developments during the Weimar Republic, it is easy to understand how the failure of the democratic experiment in Germany at this time did not sum up the state’s capacity to govern itself under such a pluralist system. Much of it has to do with the economic collapse that has single-handedly torn down all the institutions and factors that have held the democratic system together. This paper will investigate what led to the Weimar Republic’s economic collapse. In the process, it is expected that such examination would help to better understand the regime and its significance in the development of the German state afterwards. The Weimar Republic certainly was doomed to ill-fate from the moment of its inception because it was associated with the country’s humiliating defeat during World War I. According to a scholar, the turbulence of the post-War situation and the fragility of the political climate contributed to the weak government: Stable democratic government was in jeopardy throughout the life of the Weimar Republic. The country was governed by unpopular minority cabinets, by internally weak Grand Coalitions, or finally, by extra-parliamentary authoritarian Presidential Cabinets.1 An interesting insight was offered by Van Mises (2008) in his analysis of the Weimar’s collapse, he posits that democracy was not attune to Germany’s needs and interests as a country, at least during the regime’s period. He argued that democracy is adequate to smaller countries, whose independence is safeguarded by the mutual rivalries of the great powers, or, to nations like England and the United States, which are sheltered by their geographical locations. Van Mises stressed that Germany do not enjoy these advantages: Germany is surrounded by hostile nations; it stands alone in the world; its borders are not protected by natural barriers; its security is founded on its army†¦ It would be